>When we were younger
we would gaze at each other
I always wounder what you were thinking,
I always Wounded why your brown eyes would
be gaze on me.
When i was younger i didn't know a thing!
When you first said you liked me my heart felt
angels above singing!
When you said you loved me i thought i
was dreaming.
The first time we talk a million angle's stop my heart
since we were apart my Heart ache and brunt
Now i know why.
Ive never had someone to care for me
And Ive never told anyone how i feel when am with you
My feelings and thoughts were different, i thought
i would lose this blessed thing but i took a risk and
here we are.
Its nearly been a year and for sure i
can tell you all that my heart has been loyal
He's My World and Boy does it rock!
He's My Light and gosh He Can shine.
I never wanna say good bye Not Now Not Ever! .
Kara Aleid was Thomas