A word that ignited my incombustile mind,
I raised my marasmus jowl upward and
Opened the sutured mouth.
My eyes cascaded the caged fervour for freedom like pearls in a nacre.
Because once slavery emasculated all my passion for the vision of a feudalist.
He soured all my vigour and instituted me in destitution.
He desecrated and eviscerated my characteristic abilities.
He cumbered me with tapering embers on my cranium.
Never did I get an emolient consolation from anyone.
Like a mimosa I trembled in between the melliepede legs of myriad blood sucking vampires.
And they treaded my entire calibre under their powerful calcaneum.
I was drowning in that moat in the different boat.
And like a lunatic they enchained me in that solitary confinement of slavery.
Draped me with arrows in my marrow.
And my sorrow was loud and long.
They broke my mirror of soul and I saw crumbled dreams in my cullet of soul.
And the wheels of my life cart mired entirely in the anarchial isle of slavery.
The Godlike hopes never blessed me in my temple of thoughts.
But I had a God everytime in the attic of my heart was 'Freedom'.
And one day He blessed me.
The eyes of the feudalist mind opened,
And ordered a word, a word, a word, that
You have got ''Freedom''-
'''''''''A salvation from slavery'''''''''
And a slave like me only knows, that,
What is the meaning of ''Freedom''..