Just one person required to think me amazing,
just one voice desired to whisper I make him
crazy, only one pair of arms for a feeling of
sweet romance, as I listen entranced to the
voice in my mind and lean back in the arms
conjured by my thoughts
As I listen to my fantasy using the sounds
supplied by reality to create the atmosphere
in which I am cherished and I can love him
also, a sphere in which I can hear his every
thought and he can hear mine, in which I can
see his intents and he can see mine
A sphere in which our spirits intertwine, a magic
atmosphere in which we can dance to the original
tune of the universe, a sphere in which he is mine
and I can be his and I can feel his hand holding
mine, his heart blossoming to encompass mine,
his mind entering my dreams
What a wonderful thought, what a bewitching way
to while the time away until he appears
Margaret Alice Second