AbdelAziz Alhaider - Insights from behind the walls

PoemHunter.com 2014-11-10

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My icon of sorrows is in front of me and the dead bodies of days are
behind me

This … the reader in the silences valleys of wisdom hymns

Does not receive more than the hollow rust

Shaking... And in its eyes the delusions of doubt dancing... the confusion

Turning in the roles…. Destroying the walls of the theater..

Opening the windows of his poems to the storm to cry

poor is the person who taught me the first letter ...who told me that the waves are friends

And the sea is friend...... and the path of the stormy love opening thousand ways
What do I do with this love.... my ruinously and the boiling of my veins from this roughly colored volcano

I rise the icon of my sorrow in front of me and pray…pray for the emergence of my lover on my path
Together with the prayer of the heart..... and the crescent of my presence and absence in his temple
Crazed... nodding back... some parts of me read some
I set up a trap for the sorrow
And it set up a swing for my death
And that is the days…. Phantom of the days…wasting of my time
Altobath* mount before me…and the storm of days
Abdel-Aziz Haider

*a mount in Arabic desert where the Arabic famous lover kees and Lyla meet with each other when they are child

AbdelAziz Alhaider


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