Megy a juhász szamáron,
Földig ér a lába;
Nagy a legény, de nagyobb
Gyepes hanton furulyált,
Legelészett nyája.
Egyszercsak azt hallja, hogy
Haldoklik babája.
Fölpattan a szamárra,
Hazafelé vágtat;
De már késõn érkezett,
Csak holttestet láthat.
Mi telhetett tõle?
Nagyot ütött botjával
A szamár fejére.
The Shepherd Rides On A Donkey
The shepherd rides in donkey-back
The shepherd rides in donkey-back,
His feet are dangling wide,
The lad is big, but bigger still
His bitterness inside.
He played his flute, he grazed his flock
Upon a grassy hill
When he was told his sweetheart girl
Was desperately ill.
He rides his donkey in a flash
And races to her bed,
But by the time he reached the house
His precious one was dead.
The lad was bitter, hoped to die,
But what he did instead:
He took a stick and struck a blow
Upon the donkey's head.
Sandor Petofi