The cemetery of St Bridget / by darkness covered
word-sheaths to widen word-wombs to deepen
ejaculating into
The lover doesn't know why or whither but is thanking for the grass he gets
a museum of earthy learning
a museum of earthy learning could fill the body with black trance
hot rhythms could make him heave earthy out of the flagstone
his yellow catkins could rain cling could green clusters along his holy street
He was in her abyss in her warming life-giving essence
so mild at a distance so annihilating near by
the wrinkles of her eyelids made up with the colour of an excited sheath opening
the lover's burden there to slake her thirst
ringing words in his hands
ringing words around the chapel shaped like a bird
shovels full of words
distant word tremors
Mikael Ejdemyr