If a single word could describe how you make me feel I doubt I'd ever use it.
A feeling so indescribable as this, to be put into wordz, would surely break the laws of physics.
Such unspeakable love should remain as such to stay in sync w/ what they say about actions. And, wordz or no wordz, we still will have actions, and body language!
Love is not blind it is deaf!
Mother to CODA,
Modified 'y' sends love express air-mail to waiting eyes.
Lover to lover,
Down on one knee,
I'm not tying my shoe!
Open a box and I will continue to say 'I Love You' for forever and a day.
Body to body,
At the end of the day,
This is what I dream about!
As we aspire to conceive and bring a sea of love into the world, my actions speak louder than my wordz,
And they say
'Modified Y
Bragg Adocio