I may not like to fall back or withdraw
Sometimes dropp the pen and sword draw
Run for reprisal to avenge the defeat
Take possible steps for mistakes not to repeat
I may have calculated move
Don’t allow uncertainty and doubts remove
Think of best results with utmost care
Not to be caught unaware and defense prepare
I prefer to be calm and shun the violence
Go for peaceful means but not sit across the fence
Not letting up any weak signal to reach or pass
Avoid unnecessary flare up …………………..
I may not surrender to cohesive action
Offer befitting reply with no reaction
Gentleman like manner doesn’t mean submission
Frank acceptance of guilt with apology and admission
No one looses prestige if admits the lapses
Neither mighty empire is lost nor does building collapse
We salvage self prestige at negligible cost
People may appreciate and admire you most
You should be rigid for principle and stand
Positive approach and compromising trend
Nothing to loose for courageous steps and approach
Anybody can perform this feat without help from coach
No need to cow down or buckle under pressure
Regain the strength and possibly assure
Nothing obstructs making it doubly sure
Life moves smoothly without any fissure
hasmukh amathalal