Ken e Hall - a.......Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 2014-11-10

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As Godse and Apte hooded, swung to the tune of the newly dead
Echo’s lingered on the Ambala walls of the gallows shed,
The pair’s verses sung, still lingered as if to defy reality
‘Akhand Bharat Amar Rah’, [‘India united, may it be forever, ’ ]
Godse’s hand that did the deadly deed grasped and twitched,
As a spirit hand ripped out the soul of a body bewitched.
Now ended the people’ choice, their Mahatma grand
His name, his work for ever will with the test of time stand,
The gang of eight cowards their plot conceived connived,
Their hate of appeasement simmered nights of the long knives,
The British lead religious division of India was the flaw,
That loaded the assassins’ gun three bullets to close life’s door,
On life for Gandhi, with hands in greeting cried ‘HE RAM’ [Oh God],
The plight of fellow man his cause, no more the path that he hath trod,
Their ears never attuned to their victim’s forgiving love rule ways
Whose bloodless coup enriched forever India’s days.
In moments assassin Nathuram Godse was quickly brought to hand,
Soon the news spread around the world in every land, ,
Sorrow and tears that would not even dry in the sand.
Looking beautiful draped in white with flower petals round Gandhi lying in state,
That sad remember day thirtieth of January Nineteen forty eight.

NB. On fathers day 1997 my daughter gave me a book by Yogesh Chadha titled 'Rediscovering Gandhi' a wonderful book, Ironically in my library it sits next to 'Einstein The Life and Times'. Einstein said of Gandhi......
' Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.'

Ken e Hall

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