saadat tahir - Twisted Tortuousity… Stave-off of sexes 2014-11-10

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raw posting.... review in progress

Devoted to pleasures perfidious strange
Carry S/M*** to a demented derange,
Spell fallacies, fantasies with a capital P
Trite, deem, boundaries of he or she
Devoted to pleasures a la hedonic thrills
Epicurean pleasures and androgynous frills
Feminists or masculists in acrimony, acrophony
hegemony with flourish cosset in cacaphony
Misandrous lives of unending indulgent delight
Feminists fear misogynists in absent fright
Sexual fetishism and its fanciful flights
Diehard followers swear by its heights
Masochistic flights, of “Venus in Furs” *
“The Story of O”** with its demeaning slurs
Dona* willingly closets in a chateau's den
Soaks orgies of mistreat by a group of men.
fetishists with aura of erotica in sundry
Leading to yet more enigmatic quandary
misogynism alive as a political theology
misandry, misanthropy bask in ideology
Female lovers, justify Alimony?
What then, the burden of progeny?
Misogyny, Phylogeny, all here thrive.
Masochistic amorists ail, keen, contrive.
Fetishist fanciers stiletto striken survive
Single blessedness I say is the best
A great lover of women has it attest

(Islamabad) .
(May 29,2009) .

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saadat tahir

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