Tranquil seas they oft' beckoned to me~
From the deep fathoms yes they did call~
Echo's of a peaceful sapphire ocean~
Reverberated against New Englands vast tidal wall;
Oh the days could be so idyllic~
As were the calm seas of yesterdays lore~
Where happiness 'twas e'er so deep and undeniable~
Back in the days of yore;
Oh the halcyon days upon the New England waters~
Sailing off cape Cod as in days and years before~
And at the wheel you could find me-'The Captain'
On my way 'cross the deeps Neptune ruled floor;
The salt air 'twas oh so invigorating~
Breathing in Cape Cods most salty breeze~
Sailing upon tranquilitys waters away from tragedy~
With so much serenity- it would bring me to my knees;
Now I am sailing upon the Sea Of Eternity~
The Shamrock sails are up and at the ready-the go~
Sail on-sail on- beloved Lion of our hearts~
You're now at peace with John, Bobby and your mother Rose...
Dedicated to:
Beloved Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Born February 22,1932
Died August 25,2009
Buried with his brothers John and Bobby
Arlington national Cemetary-Arlington Viginia
Gone but not forgotten.
We Love You!
Theodora (Theo) Onken