Hi.Enjoy your stay here.The gift of present fugitive mind is shaking the whole world.Nobody is receiving the message sent by an alien who is really touching the cruel light of engrossed future.You are in the middle of chaotic truth related to decentered sociality.Puppet world.Marketing culture is a cruel act to environmental awareness reflecting humanity.Illusive development project.How can a person develop the environment without developing himself genuinely.What is life? People forget the meaning of changing identiries of a life in every moment of existence.Nowhare to run.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.Nowhere to run.ExhaustionNowhere to run.ExhaustionNowhere to run.ExhaustionNowhere to run.ExhaustionNowhere to run.ExhaustionNowhere to run.Exhaustion.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.
Enjoy the gift of life! Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.
Engulfed in the pop-psychology and spiritual pursuit of truth.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.
The whole world is trumbling with fear.Nowhere to run.Exhaustion.
Nyein Way