what yet untold is soliloquy of unwritten words
listlessly hidden in furrows of lone silence
thunder may not wake from rock of bed
gleams of light shines by pindar of stone
shadow seems to dance beneath tree leafless
art of silence reasons to flecks of falling snow
yet buried beneath deep oblivion engrossed
love stays away to delve truth unspelt
moon hides beyond the shadow of clouds
beauty resolves to glow by sorrow intoned
hours if night serenades by setting of sun
blue never weeps by whispers of rainbow
sky is torn by the dappled blue spumes
light when lies low by mystery of black
pain when painless gleaning tears
let night remember moment by etching of sorrow
silence tolls the web of sadness
horizon silhouettes by alienation
spring never raves up in stormy rain
earth fails to kiss by fear of insinuation
Dr subhendu kar