Countless Stars as the sands of seashores of the world
In the dark night Sky shine bright in the wonderful Space!
As the falling sands into the hole of the hour glass of time
Stars disappear in the Black Holes of galaxies in the Universe!
As the hour glass is turned upside down again sands fall;
Likewise as recycling in Nature new Stars appear in the Sky
Following appearance and disappearance method forever!
This Steady State of Nature lies in balancing of old and new.
For every event there is a cause behind in Nature for all;
Life, death and rebirth or regeneration go on in cycle ever.
Creation and destruction following preservation is a process
That goes on endlessly to saturation point in many forms!
Within the life span of every animate and inanimate things
There are many wonder, splendour and grandeur each display!
Ramesh T A