Moonlight Tears - Moonlight 2014-11-10

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My name is Moonlight
I like to write poetry
My childhood dream
Not too much my words to share
I am an orphan no one can help me
when the dark come
they remind me to keep show
my little light as my last change
to tell the world i am there

I can't see the beautiful flower garden
I just imagining its must be very beautiful
I never recognize a canary bird
I just hang out with my old owl
He nice and loyal to me
He even stay awake until morning come

I am feel very lucky to have the old owl
He is my loyal friend
And never ask from me
Only my little light that sometimes unclear
Because cover up by the dark clouds

I feel my tears come out sometimes
If i really want to see the beautiful flower
on a small garden near bye
The old owl always make me jealous
But i only have faith someday i can show up for 5 minutes
Only to see the beautiful garden

*Moonlight @ 1997

Moonlight Tears

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