At the far end of the universe
my childhood mind
found a hard wall, high and strong.
Beyond that wall,
whose bricks and mortar
now I know
are made from death and fear,
was a terrible nothing,
the end of existence.
Yet in my longing
beyond it
I could hear the silence
of distant light forms
overwhelming me,
weaving complex creativity.
Then I knew
there must be more
to life
than life.
You say,
~Sunk in matter
you will never
find the answer.
First pass
the dark gate set in
the forbidding wall.~
And see!
Standing peacefully
by the open door
you show me
two trees growing;
the first in front offering dark fruits
of bitter understanding
and the other,
tall beyond measure
shining through the gloom,
the tree of life, a far fountain
set among high worlds
that see and hear us,
that question us.
Ian Trousdell