No not really, Bennett didn't do it either,
But something making the seep with septic stench,
"The descriptions vary: cow manure.
Rotten eggs. Musty tennis shoes.
Sweaty socks. Chicken waste.
Decomposing matter."
In Woodland, California, far away,
From the cloud that hangs in LA,
Far from the fires of Malibu,
People shut their homes at night
To breathe air.
'Pungent. Vinegarlike. Decomposing
organic material. It smells awful, '
says Loida Ostoeo,
There something that smells rotten here, not in Denmark,
It smells like something a volcano would spew out in Borneo.
It causes me to ask, what people paid $400k on average per home they couldn't use,
Because the garbage was in their air, a molecular refuse.
That the smell was combination of odors from varying industrial related fumes
Jim Smith said
"Much of the complaints, …
have come from residents of the newly
developed east side,
the same side where the sewage
treatment plant,
the tomato cannery and crop fields are located."
Dr. Anderson (see observation Open Wide) , who is from Woodland,
Can use as a part of his defense,
An accused first degree murderer in San Francisco,
His sentence reduced to manslaughter,
Because he had a difficult time with Twinkies,
All Dr. Anderson has to do,
Is plea for groping his dental patients breasts,
For in Woodland, California.
He breathed the air, and drank the water.
Joe Rosochacki