Some devilish ideas crept in mind.,
Why female company should not find?
If luck favours rose smell enter with wind,
If find hard then no axe to grind,
Found good name with number of cell,
Mind ran fast to find favour well,
With fear in mind to receive word hell,
Still thought of flirt and word”love“tell,
Hello? Who is at that end?
Mild voice heard with cell ring send,
“Good morning “I uttered with head bend,
What is time? Better ways you mend,
What are you doing?
Disturb me not, am working
Deal with audit and accounting
Worry more and pressure mounting ….exploded lady
Attack so sudden and amused at word
Searched for solution and I prayed to Lord
May be I finished but not to cross sword
Lie low I thought and not die with cord…..imploded I within
Again rang the bell with sweet voice,
Could not laugh any as I rejoice,
What can be reason got no answer,
May be swift change after good bouncer
Hello, are you listening it is I?
I am in despair and tears in eye
Father no more and bade early bye
Mother too serious, so ask not, why?
I am left alone shattered by grief”
Hurt I am most and lost also belief
I may cry more but not have relief
Advise some more and also brief………..I heard soaking voice
I am in pain and all efforts in vain
All hopes dashed, no charm remain
Help just me out as I have none
Suggest me some ways as you are one,
I cursed self why I went for kill,
Why not thought well just before will,
Was it just a trap or call of distress?
But certainly a not matter to stress,
hasmukh amathalal