Why will you need benevolent dictator?
Somebody to act on your behalf as care taker
Punish arbitrally all those who are dishonest
Still known as king maker and called honest,
What would you do when found in traps?
No food, shelter, work or water in taps,
Faced with dire consequences on the world map
No resources left and nothing more left to tap,
You may find their children in foreign land,
Great pomp and show in marriage with music band
When face problem in country, accuse foreign hand?
Promises of air castle and more huts in sand,
They have huge palaces and enough money abroad
With known trick of connivance without any load
Let national economy suffer and be in doll drums
We will not strive hard and keep always mum
I know you will not raise finger and also rise,
Living still be costly with many more surprises
Who will come forward and who will make you apprise?
Their roots are deep and you stand to loose and polarize,
They collect money freely and act as lord
Neither to keep promises nor to keep with words
Country is taken for granted and develop like den,
They promise to make cities as in Singapore or Eden,
It is not that countrymen are fool,
Watch it from distance with mind cool,
They will try to catch bull by horns,
No signals or indication will be given………
You will need a person with strong resolve
Make bold move with dedication and solve
Unite the nation with one voice
Find honour and place without nay noise
If we find such person then we may nod
All our good wishes and prayer to the God
Let country remain united and live in peace
We may breathe freedom and live at ease
hasmukh amathalal