Ben Gieske - Saga of Stone (Ghazal) 2014-11-08

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Where to begin and then end this saga of stone;
On Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments of stone?

With the mighty megaliths of Britain’s Stonehenge?
Start we will from the beginning when there was stone.

Centuries ago some built fires in caves of stone;
Drew wild animals and hunters on walls of stone.

On dark nights some read moving stars, measured the moon;
And for each month some chose a special precious stone.

Behold the pyramids and amphitheaters
Enduring the centuries - monuments of stone.

Nothing is more lasting than a flat slab of rock;
Why streams flow along many pebbled beds of stone.

As people reborn some live the life of the Son;
His stone from the tomb found rolled back on Easter morn.

Relieving us all of weariness in our bones,
Fateful death lays us low at the foot of a stone.

Content will I be with B. J. G. chiseled there
While forever reposing in that outer zone.

- January 3,2009

Published by The Ghazal Page online, April 2009 http: //

Ben Gieske

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