Willing let go, take chance
Willing let go; take chance
Life is a continuous journey
No personal harms ever designed
Most events a sequence of chance
Call it luck
Call it fate
Call it effort
It is the meeting of all factors of every triangle
In the right angles
In the point of time
In the opportune moment
Nothing ever more or less
It is various jig saw puzzles of life
Falling into place
Till the winds of change
Shakes the box
kaleidoscopic changes
In its short splendor
Animates the eyes
The thoughts are set on fire!
Life is a resolute of ones mind
Taking map on live boards
Live show on the meet!
Agree or disagree
You shape
Like it or not
Accept it or not!
Each minute
like pearls on string
The garland is ready
For the final moment
To your neck adorn!
Willing to let go and take chance
Life will smile with you
malini kadir