After sipping off your coffee
Put the empty cup into the sink
After eating your food
Take the plate to the scullery
When the calling bell chimes
Answer it, without waiting for me
When I’ve to fetch
A vessel of water
your helping hand, please offer
Do read your papers and books
But don’t clutter them around
When the phone rings
Don’t pass the buck
But pick it up
I don’t mind
That you spend
On your cigarettes
On your drinks
On your games
On your parties
On your lavish tips
On this
On that
But spare me
Some pin-money
For my simple wants
Once in two months
Take me out
For a movie
Or a dinner
Or on a picnic
Once in three months
Give me a day off
And cook and serve me
Delicious home-made food
Treat me
As your partner
Which I really am
Care for me
The way
You care for yourself
[Mar 14,2009: : Hyderabad-500 056]
AtreyaSarma Uppaluri