At the Assembley of the People. Enters CAIUS ELPIDIUS MARULLUS.
MARULLUS: Romans, I could kill Caesar but I did not it. There was a conspiration, I did not oppose it. Caesar was my master of life and not of death. Fate won him and we must leave their decision to gods. However I came to a decision. I shall exercise my right of veto: the law of the immunity for the parricides will be rejected. At our feast the Roman women were running down and up to Lupercals with their
he-goat-hides. When coming back I did not take away its crown from the statue of Caesar. My forefather Caius Graccus loved agricultural works, now the villains steal the wheat of Rome. Today tribun of the people has to do different things. The lists of proscription are indinspensable but tribun can not do them. However I love our past, the legacy of Caesar will give us life. I could kill Caesar but I did not it. Our republic lived in him and he loved his wetnurse. So he did not accept our crown. Octavius and his successors will have to be great by force, together with Caesar people were really great.
ANTONY: Please accept my sympathy with you.
OCTAVIUS: My great-uncle Caesar died and I came back from Apollonia.
ANTONY: We shall take the conspirators.
OCTAVIUS: I worry about our future. The oriental part of the Roman colonies are unsure. We should take the golden of the Partians.
ANTONY: Now whe shall manage the metal of our swords.
Paolo Giuseppe Mazzarello