I see that I’m a sinful child
I know I’ve done You wrong
I so regret my running wild
Singing the devil’s song
Forgive me for my wayward past
Please hear my humble plea
Behind, let all my sins be cast
Set now Your servant free
Repentance, comes through You alone
Through Christ, Your Lamb once slain
By Jesus’ blood, this heart of stone
Can melt, when born again
Lord, change me please to be like You
Fulfil in me! Your will
Fill my cup, with Your Morning Dew
That I may drink my fill
Your Holy Ghost would give me sight
Would guide and purge my soul
Transforming me through Liquid Light
He’d make Your servant whole
To be like You, is my desire
On eagle’s wing I’d fly
Consume my shame with Holy Fire
Allow me soar on high
I see the truth I see the Light
The way is crystal clear
I’ll bless the day You gave me sight
And taught Your name to fear
No more am I the devil’s tool
I’ll sing no more his song
How was I such a blinded fool?
Why did I fail so long?
Michael P. Johnson