Kayla Burke - *Another Statistic*

PoemHunter.com 2014-11-08

Views 10

I dont wanna be another statistic
some suicidel teen
who makes the choose to kill herself
when the world just seems too mean
She cant move on with her life....
or so to her it seems reality has fallen short
an so has her many dreams.

I dont wanna be another statistic
some girl stuck in the rain
walking home from school one day
then raped and left in pain..
she cant tell her family and she sure cant tell her friends
she dont know what to do to make this nightmare end! ? !

I dont wanna be another statistic
some locked up teenage boy
who got stuck in the wrong crowd
and caught & takin to court
As they lay out his life sentence
his moms screaming in the back ground
what happend to the little boy i loved
and why cant we turn back around.

I dont wanna be another statistic
why waste my time here on earth
when the ones i love the most
are the ones whos ganna get hurt
so try to make something of life
so you wont end up just a number
its like were being tested one day after another!

Kayla Burke


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