The phosphorescent morning light
Illuminates conflagrate | disease | stricken hearts
Deprived of the things you willingly let go
Just know this disappearing act has no prestige
And the things you let go never come home
I'm sad to say you're so crystalline
That I can see [the fragments they take with them]
Today you spoke in reinforced words
Of the love you swear is real
But in the eventide of tonight
Will you swear you are a believer
An unjust dreamer at the core
You can evade the disconnection
Even as you walk the streets
That separate you
But what does it feel like
To imagine you could save them?
When you don't realize that's just crazy
But I've forgotten what it feels like
To feel
I used to believe
And when you spoke you used to too
This feel like loving someone new
Eric Gonzalez