The curtains in my living room
lift and fall
as I pull their strings each day;
marking the rise and fall of each
and each day in between-
for the life between you and me.
Like my skirts
they lifted first
and fell
on our wedding bed
on our wedding night-
and now gracefully on special nights;
They rose to the realities
of married life-
fell during our dark times-
and ring during the good times
with loving making
and bedroom laughter.
I cannot
each time I draw
the strings
but marvel
at morning light;
folding away yet
another night
with you.
My curtains offer me regularity
which is comforting to me.
I dust them-
not often enough
worn with the years;
uplift them
for the view of the garden
and you coming home
over the back fence.
I draw them each time
in doing
you, too,
are drawn
to my bosom
each day.
as I draw
this string.
You'll see:
He'll be there
coming over
the back fence;
home to me.
Lonnie Hicks