Oh Plant, I am defeated,
Defeated to you,
Me Human.
When I look at you,
I find myself
so small! so mean! so selfish!
Your life and that of mine
When I compare, I see
The contrast of Good and Evil.
You are the God, I believe
And I ask myself
Am I not the Devil?
Oh Plant, I am defeated,
Defeated to you
Me Human.
You give us breath to live
And food to eat and grow.
Give us rain, relief from pain
in our sufferings and woe.
Oh Plant, I am defeated
Defeated to you
Me Human.
Glaring at me
I feel shame to thee
I've nothing to give.
I'm a thief, I am a Demon
I put off your life
I live on your flesh.
Yet I cut off your throat
build castles with your bones.
Oh Plant, I am defeated
Defeated to you
Me Human.
My civilization of motion
My search into the space.
Also fueled by you
Your ancestors' remains.
So I hide my pride
Oh Plant, on shame
I'm defeated to thee.
I beg for your mercy
I am Worthless Human.
© Palas Kumar Ray.All rights reserved.
Palas Kumar Ray