Anyone can write about sex...
It is like writing about the rain -
only being able to aptly describe it
if you have walked naked in a flood
with the rain beating down on you...
following the sensual flow of the water
down the road... down... down
and feeling the velvet drops on your skin
when you open your mouth to take the
water in... to feel the surge of it
taste it
swallow it
wade through it with your body
your senses alerted to every change of
temperature where the imaginary stream
takes you
looking up and seeing nothing but rain
and life and love and lust -
giving over to the experience,
surrendering self and being a sacrifice to
the open heavens
almost drowning in the downpour
before finding shelter in warm,
loving arms.
Anyone can write about sex.
I can write about the rain...
I'm qualified.