He had that kind
of “Lift the latch &
walk right in” voice
that made me
...that Irish...lilt!
“Say my name...say my name! ”
I sing to myself.
So, easy...
as a fairy story
I temeblingly
enter in.
His words
taking off my clothes.
My mind
standing naked
unafraid before him.
“Oh what beautiful eyes...! ”
I thought to myself.
“All the better to get
lost in..! ”
I reassured myself.
“Oh what a beautiful mouth
to kiss! ”
I hungered to myself
lost in a forest of darkest wishes
“All the better to...to...! ”
Here words failed me.
I kissed him
in silence.
Now only
one mouth
one heart.
Sure, I saw
the wolf in him
(he wasn’t fooling anyone)
He howling with delight
at the sight of my goodies
drooling at my basket.
And, yes I was
a little
Red Riding Hoodish
onto a hiding
(oh beat me Daddy five to the bar!)
to nothing
I wouldn’t wish for
And yes, I admit
red with riding
I was
a fairy tale
longing to be eaten!
Dee Wright