What's happening to this place
It's no longer free, no longer safe
No longer home, but a military base
With no hope nor faith
God Bless the people who died
Forgive those that lied
Our government is corrupted and will always be
So god I pray to thee
Stop the violence, stop the war
I want it to be like before
When we known who we really are
And true happiness didn't seem so far
When all this corruption didn't occur
When what's right isn't a blur
When everyone actually cared
We respected and shared
God help me
Help me make them see
What their doing is wrong
That were not that strong
We're no longer safe here
So many things I fear
Maybe not now but later on
I can't stop what they begun
God I pray and pray
For all the darkest days
You'll help overcome this
And make it again bliss
No more fears
No more tears
No more crying
No more dying
I want it like before
God make us free and safe once more
Katherine Sessor