Christine Sumner - Your Friend Ana 2014-11-07

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She's a beautiful girl
The kind you want to be
She's your best friend ever
And friends you'll always be

She's thin and she's pretty
She's perfect to you
You're everything she isn't
You don't know what to do

You follow her advice
You listen just to her
Ana always knows best
You'll be better than you were

You see the weight slide off
And love Ana even more
But you have no idea
What Ana has in store

You start to feel afraid
You start to lose control
But Ana laughs at you
For now she has your soul

Your parents are upset
Your friends can only stare
But you give in to Ana
You're now beyond repair

Your stomach hates your habits
Your legs try to rebel
You think that you might die
It's still too soon to tell

For now, you stay alone
With only Ana as your friend
And while you waste away
You'll still try to mend

Christine Sumner

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