I hear many say it
'He knows you like him'
I just smile softly and say 'I know'
But i get angry and sad
why don't you just confront me
tell me how you feel
not hide from me
If you know how i feel
why do you make it such a big deal
Dont tell others
come straight to me
I know you can
I have proof your not shy
but maybe, just maybe your scared like me
I would confront you but i am scared and shy
not of your rejection
I expect that
but of your reaction
'Will our friendship be ruined'
I ask myself everyday
So i hand you this poem
in hopes that you'll understand
but if you dont, ok
Just go ahead and walk out the door
leave me here in tears
but just know this
I dont just like you, I love you
more than life itself
and might just still, in tears, heart shread
So if you change your mind
have one secound thought
dont be scared, go ahead and look back
I'll still be in tears
with a shread heart
and a loving smile
I'll be waiting for you to come back,
like a dog in the rain
a loyal one i am, but just for you,
no matter my pain
Valarie Paterson