Colin Ian Jeffery - TWO LITTLE GIRLS 2014-11-07

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The Nazis exterminated over six million Jews


The Nazis exterminated over six million Jews

The little dark-haired Jewish girl
Too young to go to school
Strips naked quietly beside her mother
With frightened eyes gazing all around
Seeing women and children stripping
Friends and neighbours from the ghetto.

The German soldier hardened to his task
Opens the shower doors with a curse
Shouts for women and children to enter.
Pushes the weeping girl as she passes
Slams and bolts the door behind her
Oblivious to her mother's desperate pleas.

Gas hisses from hidden vents
As terrified mothers hold their children
Cradling them dying to their bosoms
Trying to hide death from their eyes
Whispering soft words of love
As Hitler's barbaric Final Solution kills.

The tall blond SS officer in black uniform
Proud husband and father
Who supervised the burning of the bodies
Goes home with a smile to his daughter
Same age as the dark-haired Jewish girl,
And lovingly rocks her to sleep on his knee.

Colin Ian Jeffery

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