Though torn and tattered like a ship out at sea
My Lord Jesus saw a reason to rescue me
He took me into his loving care and cleansed
Me from every sin and fear and doubt once more
He opened unto me his forgiving and merciful door
Entered I therein to sup with him telling him all
Of my worries and strife
Telling him of my struggle to do anything
Worthwhile or pleasing to him in this life
He said to me dear child of mine
Do not forget that some things you did
For others you did it unto me;
Lending a helping hand when someone
Needed strength to carry on
Reaching out to others in their times of need
Or child how about the times you planted within
The lost and hopeless my loving seed?
The tears rolled down upon my cheeks
As I buried my head upon his shoulders
And cried away all pain life had dealt to me
Once again I joyfully arose from my knees and
Felt forgiven and oh so free!
Though I failed and failed again
Jesus still saw goodness and not just sin in me too
He forgave me and taught me tonight
That this is the same thing he wants me to do-
Forgive myself for I have more work
To do for God, I must use each moment like it is my last
I must not mope and go through life or live in the past…
Take my hand and boldly stand
Resist others who seem not to notice your loving heart
I will be beside you when you fail I shall prosper your thoughts
And your days shall be more bearable -as we walk hand in hand!
“Sayeth the Lord”-amen
©Copyright 1/12/08 Becky LaPrarie
Becky LaPrarie