There's much in the tale
Of a love story here...
Lovely wedding, guests,
And way lots of beer!
The Angels were there,
The ole Devil was too.
He cooked up a scheme
And then let it brew!
Sam boarded his ship
The very next morning.
Pam tended the Pub.
There was no warning!
That fifty years came,
And fifty years did go
With nary a fight...
Only love to show!
Angels were grinning.
The Devil was sour.
His scheme went awry...
Bet was one flower!
And not from the Earth!
Devil tossed, Devil turned...
No way could he pay!
He did a slow burn!
Angels laughed for joy!
That extra-crispy Devil,
Hot and spicy, of course!
Would serve their purpose
As one Damned bad,
But laughable toy!
elysabeth faslund