Dear Lord in heaven, this has been a very interesting week, still so much to learn and so much to be forgiven for. Although Lord verbally we have not offended anyone but inwardly sometimes we have feelings of jealousy or envy. These feelings truly are negative feelings and need to be dealt with. Today Lord I pray that you rid our minds of such thoughts and replace those thoughts with grateful thoughts. Show us how to look at things in a different light, to see what is important and not to focus on the material things in life but to realize that we were all given gifts and those gifts are to be treasured, respected and shared with others.
Father when others copy us, let us realize that this is a compliment, which shows that we have the ability to set the trend, to take the lead and to move forward allowing others to follow and create a much brighter environment.
Father when others speak badly of us because they are feeling jealous of us, teach us not to react in a negative manner but to continue to hold on to the positive not allowing such words to hurt us. Hold our hands a little tighter Lord.
Father, teach us to be humble and to always put you first, always have you at the head of our tables, present in our midst, clear in our thoughts, forever under your umbrella and Lord teach us to always listen to the whispers.
I thank you Father for all that you have done for me and I share this prayer with my brothers and sisters on poemhunter in the hope that they will find something here that may be of help to them.
I ask you Lord for forgiveness, I ask you to keep us out of harms way, I ask that you continue to walk with us, stand by us and to carry us when we can no longer walk.
Lord in the name of your son Jesus, I thank you, I love you, I respect you, I know you and I will always worship you.
Melvina Germain