Melissa Coventry - Drive to Learn, Need to Succeed... 2014-11-07

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Bogged down,
By too many pages due,
Essays and reports,
With more creative ideas,
Then one knows how to deal with,
Yet nothing but chemical formulas,
Rules of IUPAC floating around,
Crossing and analyzing on the brain…

Typing away,
In time that I could slack,
Working at notes,
While friends relax,
Thinks about their larking and some,
What I’m missing out?
Yet my mind skims over that,
Back to the articles on political fact…

Stressed over the time wasted,
On others useless conversation,
I just want to do my physics,
Learn something more interesting,
Then their mindless ranting jumbo.
And went the day is done,
Come home and de-stress…

But only for a moment though,
As I dive in the math equations,
Shakespeare and political history on referendums…

(To all current and future students…)

Melissa Coventry

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