I have Ice Cream Dreams
By that I mean
So much can be seen
a couple riding a tandem bike
a little old man on a purple trike
A little girl eats green cotton candy
A man dressed in a suit just like jimm dandy
a toddler crawls across broken glass
His mom bends over we all see her ass
Looking out across the pond
I see a figure of which im quite fond
Santa dressed up on a hot summers day
I know I know, but this is LA
He wanders through the park giving out toys
I'm sure he secretly molests little boys
I wanna be santa for everyone i meet
I wanna give everyone a toy and a treat
My Ice Cream dreams one size all fanta
I want only to be loved like a kid loves Santa
Ice cream dreams you have them too
You too want everyone to love love you
Yellow dandelions see the walking dead
Running through paces aloof and sad
I often find I miss my dad
Chocolate makes Life's pain less bad
Ice cream dreams can be such fun
Wish i could give them to everyone
Beau Golden