Marilyn Lott - You’ve Gotta be Strong 2014-11-07

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As I look back on my life
Starting when I was a child
In some ways it seems
I’ve only been here for awhile

But in other ways I wonder
How I did so many things
To get myself from there to here
So many chapters my life brings

Living in many towns growing up
Schools a year then move on
My dad looking for a job
Not really sure where I’d belong

My mother sick a lot of the time
So I learned to cook so young
Mom had no patience it seemed
I think she was just so high-strung

But I grew up pretty well
And many mistakes I would make
A couple of failing marriages
My heart would surely break

But it didn’t no, I kept going on
Sooner or later I’d get it right
I married and had my babies
My life seemed pretty bright

Then he died when my little boy
Was six, his sister fourteen
So I raised them all alone
Gone was my future and dreams

But it wasn’t, for ten years later
I met a guy from back in school
I decided I’d get married again
Truly hoping I was not being a fool

It worked for me just fine
Getting older and kids long gone
Never ever give up your dream
To survive you’ve gotta be strong!

Marilyn Lott

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