It is the birthright
of every person of African descent
to be happy
and the duty of all
the rest of our world pigment spectrum
to see that they are
no-one should be allowed to rule
any African, and let’s throw in
any South American or Caribbean, state
and come to think of it any
Southern state of the USA
unless they recognise this god-given talent
and then go on from this prime duty
to fill the learned professions,
skilled workers, artists,
musicians, dancers,
politicians ha
and so on
the African smile was made by God
and we should all remember this
I mean just use your eyes
and if you think that’s patronising
go jerk a chicken
how do I know this incontrovertible
fact you may ask, dumbo
because Mr Organic Fruit and Veg
has just delivered today Friday
along with these treasures
of God’s earth, a huge
organic free range natural
dawn-fresh renewable
which he tells me is of
African, Spanish American, and Caribbean
and which is a happiness boost
for the whole week to
this pinko-whitey honky with
the long grey face
sometimes, the truth is just
looking you in the eyes
Michael Shepherd