CeCe Lamberts - Rejection and my Inner Paradise

PoemHunter.com 2014-11-07

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I finally saw him at a party last night
It's been 3 months since he's out of my life
So short, so petit, so old for my taste
yet so heartlessly he had me erased.

He's about eight inches shorter than me
And the shoes I had on had 3-inch heels
We are an odd couple, you have to agree
None of his features match my ideals

He's about twenty years older than me
My god, in my eyes he looked like a giant
I think he is only five foot three
Why did I have to be so compliant?

His Welsh accent was absolutely sexy
His humor and wit were sharp as a razor
I loved his tatoos, his earings and his dog Lexie,
his look that intense and bright as a laser.

I saw him again and I felt it inside
His rejection had hurt me, I had cried and died,
How needy and stupid I'd been I realized
I had him in my head totally idealized

My eyes were searching for him in the room
I wanted to look at him long, to stare
To ask him why he put me in such gloom
How could he do that, how did he dare

I looked in the mirror instead; I looked good!
All men in the party had circled around
Trying to talk to me, to flirt all they could
My shortie was now not making a sound

I decided to stay with the guys and chat
I laughed, I giggled, I was a naughty brat
I drank, I smoked, I danced, I had fun
I was a hun, not a nun, and I liked to pun.

I left the party with a smile on my face
Could it be I was finally setting the pace
for a life so free of this painful rejection?
Maybe I didn't have to ask for affection
My inner paradise was my ultimate protection.

Written on April 29,2007

To a friend who talked to me about my inner paradise.

CeCe Lamberts


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