You don't know me so
stop pretending to
My life is hard so stop
pestering me with your
unnecessary yelling
I am almost at the edge
so stop pushing me closer
My heart is heavy so stop
adding weight to it
Stop telling me my wrongs
and start telling me my rights
My body shakes with fear so
stop frightening me
Stop hurting me and start
healing me
My head aches so stop
calling me names
Stop adding more bruises
to the ones i already have
My feet hurt so stop
pushing me down
Stop pushing me down
and start pulling me up
My body is hot with anger
so cool me down
Stop throwing me and start
catching me
My eyes are dry and swollen
from crying so stop making
me cry
Don't tell me i lie when I am
My legs are heavy from holding
myself up so put me on your
shoulders and tell me you love
Don't question me when I
change my style
My soul is breaking so stop
making me the cause of all
the trouble
so please stop
Mariana Zita