It’s appears a knife piercing one’s heart.
Knowing not the start-
Head- a burning rage of fire.
burning from inside out, crazed with a feverish,
hatred desire.
Wanting to lash out, grab, penetrate and kill,
doing this of one’s own free will.
Goodness has no place within these walls.
Walk a narrowed path through bloodied halls.
An inner voice glazed with crimson haze.
now lives in confusion, a complex maze.
Taken by an evil spirit which laid dormant,
towering, creating a river of torment.
Moved by a synergistic neglect of good and bad,
favoring only evil, a demonic sad.
Powerful gruff voice from the bellows of hell,
rule the heart in constant swell.
Ending with an inward brutal drop,
emotions bottomed out from the top.
One lives in constant disarray,
how soon to come another day.
Written: Dec.14/06
Melvina Germain