Darwin had a rabbit,
It's true.
Was one of a special kind
Of which all the Island knew.
A rabbit that began as a lump of cheese
Or something else if you please.
Twas kneeded into a shape to disguise
It from what would be otherwise
A most unpleasant thing
That would be served while the angels sing(?) .
Called Welsh rarebit I suppose
Which was a name chosen by those
Who must scrimp and save
So that the backbone didn't rub away
The other side of the stomach there
When the space was filled with air.
So the Darwin family sat and admired
That which they really didn't care.
Hoping that Charles would bring home the bacon
So there would be an alternative (and soon) .
But observing scientist that he was
He really didn't want to make a fuss
So a boat he leaped upon
And was soon enough, gone.
Finally returning after a year and a day
They gathered round to see what it was that he would say.
And as they all bowed their head
They heard the words that all might dread.
'Thank you Lord for this humble treat.
And next time, God, could we have just a little meat'.
Sidi J. Mahtrow