Your life is a mess? In every way?
And no sign of change?
Your fault? Or that of others?
Does it matter which, any more?
Tears maybe? Time, then,
for a laugh…
try this:
thank your lucky stars –
or whatever or whoever
you might thank, in the unlikely
chance you feel like thanking –
for the freewill that allowed you
to create this lifelong mess..
You’re joking? What a laughable idea!
That’s totally absurd and inappropriate..
ineffective, too…
go on – laugh at the absurdity of it..
Sleep on it… and if tomorrow morning,
there’s still the echo of your dismissive laughter –
something, a tiny something,
may have lodged in the mind,
saying, it’s not hopeless, not
there, where freewill and laughter
were first thought of..
are first thought of..
Michael Shepherd