'Twas a night of full moon splendor
I lay restless in my bed,
A haunting, magic melody
Danced rainbows in my head;
Sleep was not an option,
My mind now full awake -
I grabbed my coat and lantern
Thought a midnight walk I'd take;
I wandered toward the wooded path,
The night was full of sound,
The moon cast eerie shadows
On the dampened leaf strewn ground;
Now entering the forest dark
I thought I saw a light
Away off in the distance
In the misty woodland night;
My ears detected laughter
And music crystal clear -
A most enchanting fairy ring
From nowhere did appear;
Tiny dancing fairies spun
In circles round and round -
Their tiny wings did flutter
As they hovered o'er the ground;
Rainbow colored forest sprites
Did chase each other after,
Then tumble down upon the ground
In giggling fits of laughter;
As I moved to better see
I stepped upon a branch -
Then instantly the fairy sprites
Did freeze within their dance;
Then quickly in a blinking eye
The ring did twirl and scatter -
Leaving golden sparkles in
A mist of fairy matter;
Once again the midnight sounds
Returned as if on cue,
The fairy ring had disappeared
To where? I have no clue;
Slowly now I wander back
Into my lucid world,
I'd stepped into a magic land -
My mind had been unfurled;
Yet still I question what I saw,
And wonder at its meaning -
Had I crossed into another realm,
Or was I merely dreaming?
Linda Ori