Through rainbow tears I see love's true colors
Shining bright amongst them above all others...
Red, Green, Yellow, violet and blue...
All these beautiful colors I now see in you.
Love is my pot of gold,
Forever within my grasp
All I need are open eyes
And a map to complete this task.
And the storm will come of this we know
And darkness soon calls the show
Around me a rainbow of tears have spent.
My pot of gold to you have went.
And miracle is the day I found
My rainbow tears scattered upon the ground
My heart forever now is glad
Leaving room for light to replace the sad.
And to the dearest most sacred spot
My rainbow tears your hand has caught.
In this bond we shall forever rest.
Two souls combined for the rainbow test.
Copyright 2006 A.J. McKinley
A.J. McKinley