The sun sets and darkness envelopes the world
In the wrath of its deadly sin.
Only the stars shine bright in the vast universe
But yet this blackness sucks me into a world
Of plight where there will never be any delight.
When I am alone at night,
The darkness closes around me tight.
There is one savior that keeps me company.
Music brings the light.
When a storm approaches and rain comes down.
The lightening streaks through the sky
Tearing my eyes and making me cry.
Music is the rainbow.
When my brokenheart dulls my senses,
And my river of tears runs vast
I feel the pain searing through me
Music can only drive it to the past.
When my heart swells, and overwhelming joy brings happiness,
I start to sing and dance because a savior brought this day,
Music will always lead the way!
Chantelle Clark