Professor Poetry Hound - Automobile Insurance 2014-11-07

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Can I just blame anything that goes wrong on Satan?
I mean, lots of things go wrong in this world. So can
we blame the tsunami on Satan? What about that guy
who opened his door into my car in the parking lot
and left a big dent? Was Satan behind that too? And
did Satan tell the guy not to leave a note? And did
Satan make the body shop charge me an arm and a leg
to get the damn thing repaired and not give me a
loaner while they took two goddam weeks to do the
bodywork? I’m pretty sure my insurance company is
owned by Satan. Probably all of them are. I once had
this girlfriend that dumped me out of the blue. Now
THAT was someone possessed by Satan. I hope
Jesus kicks her butt.

Professor Poetry Hound

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